In the clinical activity, our work is based on a brief therapy model that places the person or couple as the motor of their own change process, stimulating, and expanding their own resources and personal abilities, and guiding at the same time about the strategies most suitable to deal with each type of problem or difficulty.

The Clinical Area groups:
The attention to the sexual health of people, both individually and as a couple. The services that are related are those of Sex Therapy and Physosexology.
Counseling and support in the conflicts of couple relationships. This includes couple therapy, but also mediation if separation or divorce is achieved. In this last case, the Institute can give legal support and process the divorce from the Family Law service and, later, provide individual psychological support to help people adapt to their new situation.

Optionally, we make available our family counseling service in order to help divorced or divorcing parents to resolve doubts and difficulties on how to continue educating their children and also on how to help them minimize the impact of divorce .

We also emphasize that, more than focusing on sexual and couple therapy, the Institute has a team of competent professionals to carry out individual therapy and give help and support in a wide variety of life situations. Finally, if for different reasons the face-to-face consultation is a difficulty, you can consult with us through our Online Consultation, in which in less than 72 hours you will get an orientation answer about your query.

Dr Dianne Jolley